The Life work of KR Rogner

The life work of KR Robert Rogner is located directly opposite the hotel car park in Rogner Bad Blumau. There you can experience his entire life.

His story reads like an American dishwasher's story. From a poor boy from the village of Aich near Velden to a star among Europe's building contractors. 75 years old and not a bit tired. Robert Rogner stands for pioneering spirit. Ideas bubble up from him like water from springs.

"Making the impossible possible." That is his credo. Immerse yourself in the world of Robert Rogner and experience his success story and the creation of his life's work since May 2016 in the workshops of the Rogner Bad Blumau.

"With the Rogner Bad Blumau, a total work of art has been created. It fills me with pride when I see the enthusiasm with which the entire team lives my dream together with me. The nature, the architecture and also the Vulkania healing spring are unique. The strongest spring in Styria's thermal region bubbles up here. In honour of Vulkania, our Strombolino, which has been brought back to life, is located here." Robert Rogner

It all began with the words: "Your name is Hundertwasser and I have 100° C hot water". It is thanks to the tireless research drive of Robert Rogner that this precious spring provides bathing pleasure.

Open daily from 10:00 - 14:00


Rogner Bad Blumau
Bad Blumau 100
8283 Bad Blumau
Tel.: 0043 (0) 3383 5100
Fax: 0043 (0) 3383 5100 804
E-Mail: spa.blumau (at) rogner. com

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