
Here you can see the current weather forecast for Bad Blumau.


day forecast1 / 11 °CRather cloudy in the morning, then sunny spells will develop gradually.
06:00 4 °C
12:00 9 °C
18:00 7 °C
24:00 3 °C


day forecast1 / 16 °CThe day starts sunny, but will be partly cloudy in the afternoon.
06:00 5 °C
12:00 15 °C
18:00 12 °C
24:00 7 °C


day forecast4 / 20 °CDry and sunny throughout the day with hardly any clouds.
06:00 8 °C
12:00 18 °C
18:00 15 °C
24:00 10 °C
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